Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Luck. What is it?


I was thinking about it this morning. With it being March and all, and with me needing a little LUCK today, it's on my mind.

I wish I was Irish.

Other than randomly finding 20 bucks on the street, winning the lottery or not getting pulled over for speeding, I think luck is often overrated. That's right I said it. I know plenty of people who think of others as lucky of unlucky, attributing life's successes and failures to luck - but what is that really saying? People don't get jobs, catch fly balls, receive promotions, school acceptances, roles in plays, good grades, and opportunities in general because they're lucky.

And outside of the random favorable (or not) occurrence, luck boils down to this:


When I think about most of my good or bad fortune , I can trace it back to a series of choices I had to make to get the end result. Working hard vs. wasting time. Taking chances vs. playing it safe. Going above and beyond vs. doing only what's required. Being responsible vs. being spontaneous. Doing what's right vs. doing what's easy.

And while I firmly believe a person mostly controls their own destiny , there's still the small percentage of times when the unexpected THING happens - good or bad. And because of that small percentage, I find myself sitting here, crossing my fingers, wishing on stars and eating Lucky Charms.

I'm hoping for a semi-random positive occurrence today.

1 comment:

Terra said...

and are you going to explain what it is you are hoping for or are you going to me totally hanging? HELLLLOOOO...there is a gal in Colorado wishing you all the luck be it in or out of your control she is just wondering what it is she sending good thoughts your way for??????