Saturday, March 20, 2010

A friend of mine, on several occasions, has commented on how we always have something going on here at the Dudley household. And she's not talking about events to attend or places to be - she is talking about the other weird random 'stuff' we always have going on in our lives. And you know what? She's RIGHT!

Aside from the many odd happenings that are out of our control - like the beaver dam mess, our misadventures in grass planting, our slumber party blunders, our 2 year old tyrant (well, he's sort of in my control - but whatever)... you get the idea - I do have to admit that we bring SOME of the mayhem upon ourselves. Yeah there, I said it.

Yet another example:

YUP. That's right. We have chicks. And we're not talking 1 or 2... we're talking TWENTY FIVE! A. I thought some would die (nope) and B. I thought it would take a while for them to get big (nope). Our original goal was to get a group of hens established for eggs, I'm thinking 6-8 would be perfect. However, when you buy chicks at the local farm store - guess what? - they're not sexed! So you just get a random bunch of who knows what. (We probably got 25 dudes with my luck). So anyway, with the salesman telling us to get 50 (right), 25 seemed pretty manageable.

And while 25 teeny tiny twerps in a tub was A-OK last week - believe it or not - they're already starting to get crowded. They're growing like weeds!

Tune in next week for another episode of craziness when we attempt to build our own CHICKEN COOP.

Till then...

1 comment:

Kelly Polark said...

OMG, too funny!
I see Charlie is liking the cute chicks!