Friday, November 13, 2009

What goes around comes around

Many of you probably remember my nightmare shopping trip with the boys before school started.  If not, you can refresh your memory here.  Since then, I've tried to refrain from taking them shopping for ANYTHING if at all possible.  I even tried taking them separately, but after Charlie was in near tears once when I refused to buy him a stupid toy skateboard ramp, I ruled that out as well.  I suddenly have a new appreciation for the anguish I caused my mother every time she wanted to go the store.  I have vivid memories of the both of us standing at our door and her making me promise not to ask her for ANYTHING if we went.  I would bat my eyelashes and swear up and down (and every which way possible) that she wouldn't hear a peep out of me -  if she would just pleeeeaaase take me with. Ha - I got something every time.  

When I got a little older, my tactics became more advanced.  Countless times I'd walk go to a store with my friends, find something I wanted, CALL my mother at work (from the store phone), and have her pick ME and the item up on her way home! Good God.

Anyway, here we are again.  Will needs basketball shoes.  I've already warned him that we are NOT (repeat NOT NOT NOT) driving all over H-E-double hockey sticks to find the 'perfect' shoes.  I will select the style and he can pick out the color.  LIMIT THE OPTIONS is what I have learned.  He grumbled a bit, but decided it was better than me bringing home random shoes without him.  

T minus two hours until departure.... WISH ME LUCK.

1 comment:

Terra said...

oh my goodness! Good luck to you! I can and do take the girls shopping one is a begger one is not...but my little begger is learning to not beg so much and gives up without much of a fight these days! Hang in there and keep us posted!