Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Maybe those beavers ain't so bad after all

I think I might have changed my mind about our beavers. I might actually have to take back all the nasty things I've said about them. I said MIGHT. I still have yet to see what our beaver pond (aka beaver mess) will look like this Spring, so I can't fully commit quite yet to loving beavers.

My reason for this sudden change of heart came about after last weekend - the older kids and Ben headed outside for some fresh air and ATV riding. Will was riding his dirtbike and Charlie and Ben were on the 4-wheeler. I could hear them riding all around and yelling and laughing while I hung out cleaning inside while Jacob napped. On one of my trips in to my bathroom to put away towels, I caught a glimpse out the window of the 4-wheeler doing donuts like crazy out on the FROZEN beaver pond. Huh? The kids were hooting and hollering as Ben used his 'zamboni' to smooth out the ice and clear the snow so the kids could play. Huh.

When Jacob woke up, we headed out to see what was going on. WOW. I could not believe how cool this little 'skating rink' was. The kids were taking turns running and sliding on the ice - having a total blast. Check it out:

Now if only we had some ice skates!!


Terra said...

ah.... you have yourselves a beaver pond!!!!!!!!

Kelly Polark said...

Fun! You hang your laundry out in the winter?!
Aww, love that last picture!