Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Would it, could it, should it?

I couldn't sleep last night for two reasons.

1. Our dog (*grumble*)
2. The last article I read in our local paper.

I knew that budget cuts were hitting our school, and every other school in Iowa, since the lovely governor made a 10% cut across the board. I'm sure that looks all great on his pretty little budget paper, but when the particulars are printed in black and white for the paper - it looks just about as horrible as you can get!

Cutting a million dollars from an annual budget - yes that's right! a MILLION! - causes these wonderful ideas to be put on the table for implementation:

- make one of the principals a part time position (what?!)
- cut 8 teachers, resulting in larger class sizes (24 kids isn't large enough already?!)
- eliminate one bus route, causing even LONGER bus rides (we all know how I feel about that!)
- eliminate the ENTIRE elementary art program (I am sick about it!!!)
- eliminate 7th grade athletics
- cut one of the elementary reading coaches

Since art is at the top of my kid's FAVORITE things to do (and Will wants to be an artist as an adult), I am especially distraught over that cut. They already only have it once every 6 days, which is less than it was at his old school. So it got me to thinking... why can't art be a class kids take outside of school, similar to dance? Would parents pay for it? Could I start a kid's art studio? Would it make it? Etc, etc etc. Last year, I looked for such a summer class for our kids when we lived in Cedar Rapids through the community college. It was nothing like what I wanted. I wanted REAL instruction, like perspective, depth, technique, etc -- not a 'sit here and draw whatever you want while I babysit you' class. It was a total waste of time.

So, I'm mulling all this over in my head. Would such a place make it?


Terra said...

Nikki we have TONS of those places here and they make it!!!!!!!!!!!

Bonnie said...


I can so relate. Our school district is and has been making huge budget cuts.. I'm a little concerned about the upcoming school year but I have to say I can't really see where my kids have been affected. Try not to panic, I'm sure it will all work out!

I think Your Art class would do great. I know as Terra said they do well in this area.