Monday, June 8, 2009

I'm just not a fan of the Beave

I'm probably going to offend some people here (sorry Mac), but I just gotta say - I THINK BEAVERS ARE ANNOYING !!!! *whew* Yesterday, we headed over to the new pad to check things out.  After scoping out the house, we headed over the hill and through the woods to ... a disgusting moat and a beaver dam? Ugh.  Our nice LITTLE beautiful *kid friendly* stream had been turned into a big, nasty, stagnant DEEP *kid hazard* of a beaver paradise.  

They built this:

and our stream went from THIS:

to THIS:

Yes, that is me wearing argyle socks and polka-dot rubber boots.  LOL

While the kids had a lot of fun trying to break this thing apart, I seriously do not know what to do about these pests!  The dam is so thick and everything is soooo backed up.  To make matters worse, I think they also have a couple smaller dams down stream.   I read somewhere that to get rid of the beaver dam, you need to get rid of the beaver.  Is that true?  How the heck do you get rid of a beaver?  

Between dodging the flying mud glops, steadying teetering kids, and scanning for ticked off beavers to jump out and bite us, it was an eventful afternoon.  The kids actually got some water flowing over the edge as you can see above, but I'm confident it was probably repaired shortly after we left.  (fuzzy jerks)  

More to come...


Terra said...

you call the DOW and have them trapped and relocated...then you risk not having them when you actualy need them! I am SO sending this post to my dad!!!!

Nikki said...

what in the world would we ever need a beaver for???

Grams said...

Nikki - Terra's mom here.... We actually had to pay a private trapper to move our Beavers off and on. DOW won't do it. He traps them live and it cost us $250per trapped Beaver, I think! (We swear the trapper brought them back every year :)

Kelly Polark said...

Cool pics. But Dam!
Get Jake S. out there, except he wouldn't relocate it, just shoot it. So don't call him after all.
Good luck with the Beav!

Nikki said...

Wait a minute - Maria, you actually had the beaver guy bring them back on purpose?? Being a beaver catcher sounds like a pretty sweet gig to me! haha! :)

Justin Matott said...

I am so DAM insulted.
If you have been keeping up with my critter catching you know I am your guy to go after the beaver!
Wait, let me rephrase: with the right beaver catcher you can trap a beaver and... no, wait...
good luck?

Nikki said...

Justin, I think it's fair to say you've got more critter catching experience than any of us. I mean how different can it be... a beaver is really just a super-sized water-loving squirrel, right? You're hired!