Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Finally a GIRL!

Our family was very excited to finally welcome a GIRL to this side of the family!!!  Ben's sister had their first baby on Sunday morning and she is soooooooooooooo CUTE!!!  See for yourself:  
To say we've been waiting for a girl is putting it mildly.  For me, including my side of the family, we've had ten consecutive boys in a row.  After my two spectacular (now high-school aged) nieces were born, it's been nothing but boy boy boy boy boy.... you get the idea.  When I was pregnant with Jacob, I was convinced he was going to be a girl.  The whole pregnancy had been completely different than the other two... and wishful thinking had taken over.  When Will opened the envelope on Christmas that year (which contained the message from our ultrasound tech revealing the sex), and incorrectly pronounced the word I was waiting for - 'GIRL'..... by saying what was written -  'BOY'... I cried. I saw all my hopes of pink dresses and barbies and shopping and frilliness go up in smoke in an instant.   Poof.

I got over the disappointment quickly (of course) and set into waiting for someone else to have a girl.  So here we are three years later - YIPPEEE! :-)  Congratulations to Bets and Ryan - she is perfect!  


Kelly Polark said...

She's a beauty! Congrats to Betsy and Ryan!

Terra said...

YAHOO! When are you trying again?