Tuesday, June 23, 2009

An ode to the commode

As excited as we all are to move into our bigger and better house, we are at the same time feeling a teensy bit sad.  Even though this house is small, has only one bathroom and no outdoor seating... it holds a lot of memories - GOOD memories.   For each thing that drives me nuts about this house, there are another ten things I really love about it.

I first heard of the saying "Love Grows Best in Small Houses" from Ben several years ago. At the time he said it, I thought he was just trying to offer some sort of consolation for not living in a big house, but I think there's actually something to it. For example, having only one bathroom to share between five people doesn't exactly allow for a lot of privacy or modesty.  My baths and showers are constantly interrupted by someone jetting in to use the facilities, a little face peeking around the curtain or sometimes the dreaded 'accidental flush'.  I've given up on asking the kids to knock before bursting into the bathroom while I'm in there.  In fact, I've pretty much just given up on closing the door in general - it's just easier that way.  It is not unusual for four people to be in our bathroom at once, and our kids don't know any other way! I firmly believe (silly as it may seem) that sharing only one bathroom BRINGS A FAMILY TOGETHER.
our current bathroom

I first observed this phenomenon many years ago in Oelwein, Iowa after I started dating Ben.   I was in high school at the time and very accustomed to having loads of uninterrupted time in the bathroom, and would never dream of bothering a closed bathroom door.  Ben's cousins (the S family) were a family of five, and upon observing their single bathroom etiquette, I was in disbelief.  It was not uncommon for their Dad to be in the tub, the oldest brother on the throne, youngest daughter brushing her teeth while the middle daughter primped in the mirror - and all of this with an open door where mom stood visiting with them from the kitchen!  Good Lord!  But you know what?  After I got past the initial shock, I found myself starting to admire and even envy the CLOSENESS and openness between these family members.  Now granted, I am well aware that the wonderful family dynamic existing in this household was not the sole result of having one location to 'do your business'.  
BUT IT DIDN'T HURT either.  

Back to today.  

As we prepare to move into our much larger home, a little part of me is worried about losing that daily interaction in the bathroom.  I know!  It sounds crazy, but it's true.  I highly doubt anyone is going to come brush their teeth in my bathroom while I'm using the toilet or taking a shower.  (And even if they did, the toilet has it's own little room to shut the door, so I wouldn't know they were there anyway).  They big boys will have a bathroom of their own downstairs, and little Jakey will have the hall bath (that is, if he ever graduates to underwear and actually has a need for a toilet), and Ben and I will have master bath all to ourselves.  I guess my habit of not shutting the bathroom door won't have to change when we move - since there won't be a reason to!  Our kids will be busy upstairs or downstairs or outside or in the theatre room or the playroom or the bonus room or WHO KNOWS WHERE!   *ugh*  :-(

Am I seriously getting down in the dumps on the eve of scoring a sweet master bath and tons of space?  What the hell is going on!!!?!?!?!

Ok. Ok.  I think I'm just nervous about moving and about CHANGE.  This move is going to be AWESOME.  Even though we're going to have several options of where we can shower or watch TV or hang out, hopefully we'll still choose to congregate together for whatever we are doing.  And with all this space, we can have lots of family and friends over all the time, causing - once again - a line for the bathroom!!!!  
*I hope so*


Kelly Polark said...

You do have a big change ahead of you! Lots of great memories in your old house, you will have lots more wonderful chapters in your new one! And with the boys getting older, privacy will come more naturally anyway!

Nikki said...

Thanks, Kel - I hope you're right! Last night I was listening to the boys chit chat in their shared room before bed and thought... oh boy... that's gonna end too! :-( Well, I guess they can have sleepovers in each other's room.....?