Monday, July 27, 2009

So far, So good (a late posting)

We arrived safely on Sunday in Hayward, and so far everything is going swimmingly.  While the jury is still out on which place is better (last year or this year), we are having fun finding out what this lake and house has to offer.  Last year our cabin was VERY secluded (like no phone, no internet, no cable - OMG), which was a little freaky at first - but by the end we had come to appreciate the 'quiet life'.  Since not everyone loved to fish 24/7 like some people (RICK), we opted for a bit more commercialized lake this year where we could still fish, but also make a wake with the boat and get to town in less than ten minutes.  (Oh and it has a phone, cable, DSL, etc - but we have yet to watch TV!) 

Yesterday we spent most of the day on the boat cruising the lake, tubing and playing around the dock.  We also boated to a Packer Bar on the lake for lunch which was really fun and yummy. Overall, it was a great day and I'm looking forward to what is to come!

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