Friday, July 3, 2009

We're In!

WE ARE IN OUR NEW HOUSE!!!  Whew  Talk about an eventful week.  We have been so busy around here that I hardly noticed we didn't have DSL until last night (haha right!)  The move started last Friday with only Ben and me doing the work – MAN’s work.  I lifted couches, mattresses, furniture – everything!  I was seriously dying and whining a lot.  Of course, it was the hottest day so far – heat index of 105 degrees.  105!!!  Nikki + humidity +hotness = one crabby girl.  I HATE HUMIDITY.  Ugh.  By the time Friday night rolled around, I had four layers of dried sweat covering my entire body, and I was so exhausted that I couldn’t really appreciate the greatness of our new shower. 

Saturday was better.  It was still freakin’ HOT and STICKY, but at least I didn’t have to do as much manual labor.  We also had a lot of help – THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!  I stocked our new bar fridge full of beverages (adult and kid friendly), which made the entire day a whole lot more enjoyable.  I think everyone appreciated the frequent beer breaks ;)  It was also very fun to get all the new furniture delivered – the house actually looks like a home.  WOW.    

I've also already met at least ten people from the new town.  All of them were men and all of them were from the Shellsburg Fire Department responding to my 911 fire call.... but it still counts, right?! HA.  That's right.  I had to call 911 the first time in my life - after being here for only TWO DAYS.  I was standing in the kitchen, minding my own business when I started to smell a 'smoky' smell.  I thought it seemed odd, but I also knew the DirecTV dude was downstairs installing stuff, so I immediately figured it was him creating the smell.  After it didn't go away after a few more minutes, I went down and asked him if he was doing anything to cause the smokiness - he said "I haven't done anything yet" (go figure).  As I rounded the corner into the rec room, I could actually SEE a haze of smoke and it reeked down there!  The DirecTV dude started trailing me around, trying to locate the source of the smoke - we couldn't figure it out.  DirecTV dude, who used to be a volunteer firefighter, tells me he thinks it smells like electrical burning.  WONDERFUL.  So, after reporting it to Ben on the phone (like what's he gonna do at work?), I reluctantly called 911.  

After the first fireman went in the house, I heard him say into his radio, "it smells like electrical or plastic burning".  Great.   All I could think of was all the new wiring inside the walls slowly smoldering away and turning into a massive fire, engulfing our new house.  UGH! When I heard more fire trucks barreling up the drive (WELCOME TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD!!!) I headed out to meet the captain of the department to explain what was going on.  He killed the power and headed inside with a couple more guys.  A few minutes later, they emerged holding a round, flat charred thing, reporting they think they found the 'source'. I had no idea what it was and after inquiring, I wanted to hide under a rock.  Chief's reply: "Someone turned on the bar microwave with the instruction manual still inside".  What!?!?!? I immediately blamed Jacob since the microwave is right at his level, which made me feel a tiny bit of redemption... but not much.  As they searched the rest of the lower level to be thorough, I stood outside 'visiting' with all my new buddies and feeling like a big ASS.  They reassured me to never feel 'stupid' about calling the fire department, and I suppose I it's true - the one time you don't call, you end up with a crispy house.    

Outside of the lower level still smelling a little like charred booklet (which is also a nice daily reminder of my embarrassment), things are shaping up pretty well around here.  Our garage looks like a cat 5 blew through, but the inside is looking relatively organized.  We are even having people over tomorrow to celebrate the 4th - I can't wait!  I'm making four kinds of salsa and a signature 'drink' to enjoy on my deck and patio with friends!!!  YAY!



1 comment:

Kelly Polark said...

Congrats Dudley family on your awesome new place!