Sunday, September 20, 2009

Corny Day

Each year towards the end of the summer, we try to buy a bunch of sweet corn and freeze it for winter use. Since the end of the season is now upon us (sigh), the kids and I drove 45 minutes to Oelwein yesterday to buy corn from Ben's cousin (who makes a living off growing some pretty kick-ars sweet corn) - the last crop of the year. Today is the day we processed and froze TEN dozen ear (is it 'ear' or 'ears'?) of corn. 

It's kind of a pain doing it, (imagine shucking 120 ears of corn, cutting it all off the cob and then cooking it... FUN!) but it's something you're just so glad you did when it's the middle of winter and it's in your freezer.  If you've never tried 'freezer corn', you are really missing out! Everyone who's ever had it over here has the same response, 'oh my god, this is awesome!'.  It's true, it is awesome. 

The kids had fun shucking corn until about the 4th dozen... ha.  Their corn got less and less 'clean', making for more work for me during the prep - but at least they helped!  So in the end, here is my bee-you-tee-ful product.  Fresh corn 25 times this winter.  Ta Da!


Kelly Polark said...

I have never had freezer corn!
I do think one of the best things about summer is corn on the cob!

Bonnie said...

That looks wonderful! What a treat that would be in the winter. Out of curiosity, how do you cook it before freezing it?

Nikki said...

You have to cut all the corn off the cob, put it in a big pot with a little water, butter, sugar and salt - simmer it for 5 mins and then bag it up after it cools!

Terra said...

OK, HELLO - that is too cool! How big of a pot did you need????????

Nikki said...

I just used a big stock pot - 8 QT size (actually 2) - I did 18 ears at a time in each pot. I will send you the recipe if you want to do it!!! :-)

Terra said...

Send it (maybe I will do it next year!!!) maybe Bonnie and I can do it together!