Monday, September 14, 2009

Take Me out to the BALLgame

When Ben's step-dad suggested we go to to a minor league baseball game, I wasn't so sure. I knew there was a local team, and our kids do love baseball, but figured they'd never sit through a whole game - especially Jacob. Tickets were cheap, and we didn't have much else going on, so we decided to pack up the fam and head to one of the last home games. And you know what? It was fun!

The stadium is decent sized (nothing like a pro stadium), lots of vending and give-aways and every seat in the place was great. I had to laugh at myself because before heading out the door, I threw two pairs of little binoculars in my bag for the boys - HAHA we did NOT need them. Our 'premium' seating section (which cost ten bucks per ticket) even had padded chairs with backs and cup holders. Yeah!

The kids got to watch some great players in action, run the bases after the game, play catch in the outfield and even watch a kick-ars fireworks display at the end.  That's right - we made it through the whole game! 


Kelly Polark said...

That looks like a fun day! You look cute in your braids!

Terra said...

Could you look any cuter????? and that pretzel? YUM

Bonnie said...

Wow! That looks like so much fun. Probably more exciting than a pro game because they were so close up! Love your braids!!!