Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Got Grass?

I thought I should post a little blurb about our grass saga since I've been whining and going on and on and on and ON about it for weeks.  WELL, here's the dirt.  After the rains came (13 inches in two days), we were left with lots of ruts (as I've previously crabbed about) all over the yard. We were certain all the grass seed had washed away, and we watched sourly as our ditch started sprouting a kick-ass stand of grass.  What can ya do.

We started watering anyway.  I mean, why not.  So, for the past week, I have been tending to sprinklers every twenty or so minutes, getting covered in mud and sprayed in the face - a lot. It's rather difficult to get anything accomplished around here, when you have to constantly drop everything to rescue a stuck tractor-sprinkler, pull the hose or reposition stuff.  And then like I said, you come back muddy.  Argh.

Here's one of the many sprinkler races we watched...

And would you believe... that grass actually started growing? It did! 

But I have to admit - we wish it wasn't.  WHAT?! I know, what a statement after all the drama! Here's the predicament we are in now. The torrential downpour took a lot of our seed away and tore up the lawn in the process.  Now we have a bumpy, patchy and weedy conglomeration of a 'yard'. I don't know what would be worse - having none of it grow and having to start again... which would at least give us the smooth yard (but cost twice as much) OR grow what we can and address the problems after?  

It's starting to fill in, and from a distance isn't TOO bad...

I'm less upset about it than Ben.  I'm really just happy that anything is growing. I'll take a weed-grass mix any day over MUD.  


Kelly Polark said... does look good from a distance! And it's less muddy for the kids to play on!

Terra said...

Ok, I am over your rutted yard and ready for pics of the actual HOUSE!

Nikki said...

HAHA Terra! I'll shut up about the yard now PROMISE!!!