Monday, September 28, 2009

I've got a case of the Mondays


The last week has been very STRESSFUL. We are in the process of moving our business to a new location.  (We were flooded last year and lost basically everything, and have been set up in a temp location while our 'new' place was being renovated). Thursday was our open house - and Saturday was the first day employees reported to work at the new pad.  Ben has been working countless hours since last week, leaving me to pretty much do the single parent thing here.  

Owning a business in itself can be a lot of stress - and it is - for us.  I curse having it about as much as I am thankful for it.

So this morning, as I marched around the house yelling at the kids (who at 3 minutes before heading out the door were sitting sock-less,  playing pokeman with unbrushed teeth - grrrr!) I could tell I was reaching my boiling point. As we pulled out of the driveway, and the boys continued to argue (unbuckled) over a rock, YES A ROCK, I slammed on the breaks to prove a point that NOBODY WAS LISTENING TO ME!!!  Will flew forward and smacked his arm on the divider thingy up my ME.  He was in the far back, leaning forward, mid-reach for the blessed rock when he flew. Yeah I felt a little bad, for his hand, but he wasn't hurt - and it did shock him - and he sat down and buckled after that.

I told the kids nobody was to talk unless it was to say something GOOD. Ha. Bits of arguing continued to leak out of W's mouth.  DEEP BREATHS.

When the time came for the kids to hop out of the van at school, Will looked at me like a deer in headlights...  "What's the matter"?, I asked.  OMG HE DIDN'T HAVE HIS SHOES ON!!!  It took all my might not to blow right there.  At least he did BRING them with. I helped him untie and ready one shoe while he put on the other, while glaring at the mom behind me - who was GLARING at me for sitting still in the 'drop off lane' - (get a life lady), and sent him on his grouchy way.

I fumed all the way home.

I'm still fuming a little.



Terra said...

Ok, I am sorry but I am laughing so hard! I got H almost all the way to school one day without shoes is just part of being a mom!

Kelly Polark said...

I hope your Tuesday was better, Nik!