Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It only makes sense

I really don't know why I was shocked yesterday afternoon as I went to load up the back of my van with my grocery purchases to find an ANT COLONY living in the trunk area.  I instinctively shot my head about two feet closer to analyze the moving dots to confirm they were indeed ants... yes, ANTS living in MY VEHICLE.  What?  

While i was cleaning, scrubbing and vacuuming my vehicle out this morning, going over every inch with a fine-toothed comb, I formed an answer to my 'what?' question.  Or rather, answered the question with another question:  Why WOULDN'T an ant want to live in our van?!   Our van has everything another living organism could ever need or want - dirt, grass, crumbs, half drank water bottles, old french fries, video games, movies and so much more!   I mean, I knew the back was untidy and had things that needed to be thrown out - after all, they're boys!  But, I guess I really need to venture into the 'abyss' of the vehicle a little more often to keep a handle on the situation.  During the process of folding the seats up, down, back and every direction that I didn't even know they could go - I found all kinds of remnants from the previous six months of happy meals and snacks, including an empty ketchup packet!!!!  Yuck!  Yes, I am officially grossed out.  

I must also mention, as I was tossing all the lego pieces, shirts, crayons, crumbs, etc out of the back of the vehicle onto the driveway, Jake was promptly retrieving and hauling each item (including a quilt) over behind the house and throwing it all in his baby pool.  AWESOME.  It never ends!!!


Terra said...

When we turned my last car in I vowed to NEVER let the girls eath ANYTHING in the car ever again.

That lasted about 2 weeks.

Unknown said...

Sorry Nikki, that was pretty gagging...LOL. No mom wants to admit that her van has hidden fries and goldfish, but it happens...ugh!

Justin Matott said...

Hi Nikki, I checked out your blog because Terra told me to. It is cool and a reminder to all of us with boys of everyday stuff...

In the rear of the van,
lurks something weird...
it is moving and creepy
and wearing a beard?

the beard is all green!
oh, wait that is mold...
on some of the kids snacks
that back there got old...

Chloe m said...

I like that poem Justin left. I think my husband has referred to my car more than once as a rolling compost heap. Don't feel bad . Everyone with kids has messy cars, the ants are a perk. Entertainment.

Terra said...

Justin you are AMAZING

Nikki said...

Oh I'm glad to see others can feel my pain :-) Thanks for the poem Justin! It got big laughs from my kids - anything with a 'beard' is funny!

Kelly Polark said...

The funny thing in this household is the two girls are the slobbier ones.... :)
Kudos on Justin's poem!!