Thursday, May 14, 2009

it's a boat, it's a plane... no wait - that's Charlie driving a lawnmower slash CLOWN CAR.

OK. Seeing this picture reminds me of when Ben first purchased this little beauty (aka the CAB that sits on top of this lovely mower)... which I'm going to have to dig through and post that baby up here. I think it might be one of the top ten hardest laughs I've ever had in my life. Ben - crammed inside of this redneck clown car mower is forever burned into my brain.

Now... before you freak out - this 'mower' doesn't even have a mower on it and it goes like point 2 miles per hour. It's more like a Jr. tractor. Why do we have it you might ask? (I too find myself asking that about a lot of the items we have around here...) and to be honest, I just don't have a good answer for you. I CAN tell you that we have held on to the cab out of sheer comedy. Check this out - it gets better:

YEP. I just don't even know what to say. YES I DO REALIZE THIS IS FREAKIN' RIDICULOUS!!!!! But I guess that is part of what makes it so hilarious. I must say, the kids could not get enough of this set-up. They even parked their atvs to fight over driving this - and Jacob was happy as a clam getting towed around in the wagon for hours. I'm just still trying to figure out which part of this photo is the funniest, and I can't!


Terra said...

I am laughing my ass off! That is priceless. I am so gonna tweet this tomorrow!

I didn't get to your blog tonight, I am such a loser - golf wore me out and I vegged in front of the laptop with no motivation tonight - ARGH!

Kelly Polark said...

And it can double as a beverage cart! ;)
LOVE your blog, Nikki!!! How did you get it all fancy with the flowers and stuff? Love the title!