Monday, August 10, 2009

One of those Days

I'm having one again.  One of those days where I just want to hide out in my room with the door shut - away from any yelling, fighting and whining humans.  A day where I wish I was the one who got dressed and ready in the morning, drove in the car alone to my job, where I'd sit at a desk ALONE all day - free to go to lunch or a walk or use the restroom as I pleased...  Ugh.  

I had planned on taking the crew SHOPPING of all things this morning.  Am I insane? The older two have been bickering since they opened their eyes, and for some reason, Jacob cannot be separated from me for more than 2.4 minutes.  I had this fun little excursion planned in my head where the boys were interested and actually HELPFUL in selecting window treatments for their bedrooms.   ha.  We never made it out of the house.  

The highlight of the afternoon was when Jacob waltzed out to the kitchen announcing 'NEED WASSED', holding his filthy hands out in front of him.  Did he sneak chocolate out of the pantry?  I wish.  When he made a face of disgust and said, 'ucky'  - I knew.  The little stinker reached down the back of his diaper, and apparently groped around a bit before deciding something wasn't right.  If I hadn't just changed a dirty diaper 30 minutes prior, I'd be feeling a little bad for not checking his back end before that happened... but come on!  Two in an hour? Double ugh.

It's now 4:00 p.m. and I've made it though most of the day.  Between going for a school tour with the principal earlier today and shopping for school supplies (tonight), Jacob managed to get a few winks in - hopefully improving his mood.  Sure, he was mid-bite of his third bowl of cereal... sitting on a counter stool... but hey, I'll take what I can get!


Terra said...

Can you say MEXICO?

Actually I don't want to go there...but I would love to be anywhere but here today too!

Kelly Polark said...

Oh, man. Moms have those days don't they?!
I did some of the school shopping already but of course one store doesn't have everything. It's usually three stores!