Friday, August 28, 2009

Where to start.

...I suppose with the last thing I saw, (which is what caused me to head to my computer) Ben hauling ass down the driveway on his 4-wheeler, heading to town. I repeat - he was driving an ATV to town. We have often laughed when we venture in to the tiny town of Shellsburg, because it seems we always see at least one person tooling around in either a golf cart, a UTV or a 4-wheeler. It's not uncommon to be fueling up your vehicle next to one of the above, or better yet - a tractor. Shellsburg does in fact have a police vehicle, and last time I checked I was pretty sure it was unlawful to drive these things on the street without a slow moving vehicle sign on em, but apparently he must just look the other way.

Where to go next...

When the bus arrived yesterday afternoon, I noticed it was taking an exceptionally long time for the kids to come up the driveway.  I could hear the engine of the bus humming below for several minutes - but no kids.  Strange.  About five minutes later, I finally spotted the tops of the boys' heads crest the hill and then saw the bus heading away in the opposite direction from which it came.  It had turned around in our driveway.  Very strange indeed.  My immediate conclusion was that the kids down the street (the last drop off) weren't riding today. Nope.  The kids informed me that the road was flooded and the bus was unable to pass to get them to their house.  What?! As a result of my peaked interest in their story, more words of closed streets, police, flashing lights, flooding, accidents and the like started pouring from their mouths.  Huh? Are you serious?

By the time we had finished dinner, the rain had FINALLY let up, so we decided to hop in the family truckster to verify what the boys were reporting.  This is what we saw:

Yup. That's our town.  The cute little stream I have many times admired turned into a roaring beast and flooded the park and surrounding areas. Luckily, most of the downtown businesses are on higher ground, but there were some (LIKE OUR STORAGE FACILITY) which are not. Oh yes, that is correct.  Our phone rang at 10:00 pm last night to inform Ben our units had been flooded. At that time he was reporting three inches on the ground, but who knows what the level is now. I guess Ben will be home shortly with a report, providing he could even GET there.



Kelly Polark said...

Oh, man. Like the CR flood wasn't enough to deal with. What's up with this rain?!

Terra said...

and since this is NOT the first time a flood has plagued your world I think you re-visit the last one and blog about it next week! I am sorry about the devastation and hope not much is lost but I can't help but wonder what is up with you and water?

The Fritz Facts said...

Oh man...that stinks. We haven't had floods in a while, but I remember how nasty the clean up is.

I hope you can save your stuff!!!